StGit – Stacked Git tutorial for managing patches

Posted on June 26, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , |

I’ve been using git for the past several months hacking away on a new project by myself for the most part, but a couple days ago I decided to branch to maintain a production, test, and dev version of the code base not to mention versions for different platforms. It reminded me of how at my old job everyone had their config settings in the same file, but they were using subversion.

It always seemed like an error prone way to maintain everyone’s settings. If someone inadvertently updated the file and you pulled the latest changes, you’d have to update your settings or hide them, and pulling changes was a hassle.

So I was thinking about how to keep configuration file changes private in different branches of my project. Luckily Yaakov Nemoy had already written a piece on it. Keeping Private config files Private in Git

Awesome. I wasn’t really familiar with git rebase, so the tutorial was a concrete example of how to use rebase compared to the man page.

But the after going through it, with my own project, I have to echo the sentiment in the comment by Peter Zei. So I decided to checkout Stacked Git which is pretty cool!

So below is a workflow on how to use Stacked Git, stg, to manage changes between your branches. You should already be familiar with git commands before diving in since some of the stg commands have the same names but different behavior than the git commands.


mkdir stg
cd stg
git init
vi README  # insert "init"
git add README
git commit -m "init"

# We've intialized the repo, now let's add our config file.
vi config # insert 'production'
git add config
git commit -m 

# Now let's branch for a development version
stg branch -c dev
# equivalent to : git checkout -b dev ; stg init
# we need to initialize every git branch for use with stg

# Let's create a new patch
stg new conf  # enter message: dev config settings
stg series # shows us our uncommitted patches
# Now modify the config file
vi config # replace production with development
stg status # shows that we modified config
stg refresh # updates our patch
stg show # shows our changes

# Now let's create a new patch, add a file to it and get it back 
# into master without sending along our config changes.
stg new add_code  # message: adding some code
vi # some code
stg add # or: git add 
stg refresh # this completes our patch
stg series 
# this shows our two applied patches 
+ conf
> add_code 
# Before committing we want to pop our conf patch
stg pop conf
stg commit # this turns our add_code stg patch back into a git patch and commits
stg push # pushes conf back on the stg stack

# We'll switch back to our master branch and merge the dev changes
stg branch master
git merge dev
git log -1 # shows the new patch

And there you go. Managing your config files is just a matter of popping and pushing a patch with Stacked Git. If you forget to pop before committing you can run an uncommit for the patches through conf, pop conf, and commit.

stg series
# blank from previous commit
git log # shows conf changes are 3 patches away
stg uncommit -n 3
stg series 
# returns
+ dev-config
+ added-x
> addedY
stg pop dev-config
stg commit
stg push

# Notice that the patch names for conf was changed.  Let's rename it
stg rename dev-config conf
stg series
+ conf 


Here are more links to get you started.

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